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Medical Volunteers
The Medical Ministries serves Davie County adult residents who are uninsured (including not having Medicaid), whose household gross income is within 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, and who are unable to receive medical care through any other source.
In October 2000, the Storehouse began the Medical Ministries with a weekly Medical Clinic and the Medication Assistance Program (MAP). MAP allows us to order free medications from pharmaceutical companies for qualifying patients.
The greatest areas in which volunteers are needed at this time are: MDs, PAs, NPs (Contact Dr. David Cline or Dr. Mark Hess), RNs, Lab Techs (Contact Sister Martha Hoyle). Dr. Cline and Dr. Hess can be reached on Tuesday mornings at 336- 753-8080. Sister Martha Hoyle can be reached on Monday – Wednesday mornings at 336-753-8080. If you are a Medical Professional and would like to Volunteer for one of the positions, please contact us.
Lab Technicians
Eligibility Interviewers
Physician's Assistants
Nurse Practitioners
Certified Nursing Assistants
Pharmacy Technicians
Medical Records Clerk
Providers & Servers for Medical Mealss